What is Code?

Have you read Paul Ford’s article “What is Code?” Several people recommended it to me recently, calling it “beautiful,” “fun,” and “informative.”

To be honest, it wasn’t my cup of tea.

Sure, it had a cute story about different generations of people working in tech, but it left me feeling more confused about coding than before. For an article explaining technology, it felt an awful lot like Jack Skellington trying to explain Christmas.

The whole time, my visual/systems brain kept screaming, “Just give me a map!”

So I decided to make one myself.

Here’s a map of the technology that makes a website or application run. There’s a lot of information missing here — I’m sure seasoned coders will cringe — but it’s a good start for newcomers.


Here’s an analogy: imagine you’re trying to bake a cake…

Operating system = Kitchen, where all prepping and baking happens

Database = Cupboard, where the ingredients and recipe books live

Back-end code = Instructions for how to prep the cake batter, like mixing the flour and sugar

Back-end libraries and frameworks = Pre-prepared items (like cake-mix) that let you skip some steps

Front-end code = Instructions for how to bake the cake, like greasing the pan and putting it in the oven

Front-end libraries and frameworks = Pre-prepared items (like non-stick pans) that let you skip some steps

Web presentation = Final touches, like frosting the cake and putting it on the table

I’m self-conscious about this analogy because a “real” coder might look at it and laugh, knowing how much I’ve omitted.

But I firmly subscribe to an “Explain It Like I’m Five” approach to life. If you can’t explain something quickly and clearly, chances are you don’t have a firm grasp on it. The smartest people use the clearest, simplest words to explain difficult things.

So don’t be afraid to ask friends in tech for simple explanations of what they do. Not only will it help you learn, it will help them learn too.

Image by Anusha Narvekar

Action items:

〉  Read “What is Code?” by Paul Ford.

〉  As you hear about other operating systems, coding languages, and frameworks, add them to this map.

〉  Ask your friends in tech, “Explain it like I’m five.”

〉  Join the conversation! Even if you’re a newcomer to tech, your insights and opinions are welcome.

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